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Can We Destroy Nature?

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  • Sunday 22 September 2013
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    By Sed Brayton (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.

    Nature can only be converted from one form to another - IT CAN NEVER BE DESTROYED

    (Fortunately) Human beings do not (at least yet) have the power to create new atoms and molecules. Science can only change the composition of one atom/molecule into another. That means, plastic,  coal, oil and all the other 'environmentally destructive' materials are very much a form of nature. All man-made materials are a form of nature. 

    But don't we all frequently read that pollution destroys nature, cutting trees destroys nature, etc?

    It's an incorrect perspective.

    We should actually say that pollution, cutting trees, etc. creates (natural) conditions that reduces the possibility of our survival. Human survival. And of course, survival of many other living beings.

    Nature will anyway survive - If not in the green of the trees, if not in the blue of the oceans, it will still survive in the brown and black of dust and rubble.

    When we say, 'We are destroying nature through pollution' and other such vague things, many people might think that something totally unrelated to them is happening! But if we say that, 'Our chances of survival is rapidly getting decreased due to pollution and we will suffer many kinds of new diseases due to it', it might make more sense.

    It might, because we may still not be bothered about such things until something drastic happens to us. Think about this - If nature controls what can/cannot be created by humans, then all this pollution and destruction might very well be a planned move from its side.

    Perhaps, nature is bored of all the drama and has already chosen its next candidate for extinction? Perhaps, nature is using our own methods and intelligence, against us?

    If that is the case, there is not much we can do.

    Unfortunately, nature is mighty and infinitely more powerful than us. 
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