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How to Save Power in existing AC units

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  • Friday 25 October 2013
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  • Energy saved is more valuable than the equivalent energy produced. That is one reason (the other being reduction in running costs) why we need to look at improving the efficiency of our electrical appliances.

    One such high-power consuming appliance is the Air Conditioner. Even if you save a small % of electricity consumed by it, the power savings will be significant. 

    Recent Air Conditioners (AC) units come with built in inverter, which makes them efficient and result in lower power consumption. But what could you do if you have an older/working AC that you don't want to replace immediately?

    Apart from switching off the AC when no one is in the room and other responsible usage guidelines, you can also look at fixing this - microcontroller-based energy saver with your air conditioner. 

    As per my understanding from what they have mentioned in the website, this unit is connected between the compressor and air conditioner and can automatically switch on/off the compressor, overriding the thermostat settings. 

    As you may know, normal ACs support only two compressor modes - fully On or fully Off. Based on the temperature input (thermostat), it is switched On or switched Off, to maintain the required temperature. 

    But, when the compressor is On, there are certain stages where keeping the compressor On does not affect the cooling. During such times, the compressor could be switched off/on dynamically. This saves power while maintaining the required temperature. 

    That's what the AC energy saver product aims to do. 

    Please note: How well it does this job (or) how much power it saves (or) how reliable it is and other such questions are beyond the scope of this article. Readers are encouraged to explore these factors (from existing users, etc.) before deciding to buy. This article is only for information/introduction purpose.

    Please refer to the manufacturer's website for further details. 
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