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We need to build Green Homes in India

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  • Wednesday, 12 November 2014
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  • Green Homes use renewable energy, and utilize lowest possible energy (or better produce more energy than what is used). It is possible to build a green home in India today and every customer should push their builders to incorporate as many green elements into their homes. Green homes is not only environment friendly, but also saves a lot of money in the long run. Let's look at some features of green homes, below.

    • Utilize renewable energy to create power. Store energy in batteries or sell excessive energy to the grid. 
    • Utilize energy-efficient appliances (LED lights, energy-efficient fans, A/C, refrigerator, washing machine, laptop, etc.)
    • Use building automation systems to switch off lights/fans when no one is present and control appliances remotely. 
    • Use daylight as much as possible inside the home. 
    • Use natural wind from windows to cool the house. 
    • Use water and plant trees around the house to cool it further. 
    • Don't use concrete, glass and other materials that increase the heat. 
    • Insulate the walls/roofs.
    • Reuse grey water for gardens, etc. 
    • Have a kitchen garden to grow organic vegetables.  
    • Segregate organic/inorganic waste. Use organic waste to create compost and give inorganic waste for recycling. 
    • Harvest the rainwater into the well/sump or channel it do directly travel into the water table.
    There are many more factors that help build a green home. But you need to insist your builder/architect to include as many green measures as possible while constructing homes. You can find more information about green buildings from here, here, and here
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